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我們的港口垃圾「湛鬥機」|Our ingenious coastal debris interceptor | 陳思穎 Cheer Chen | TEDxTaipei

廢棄魚網纏繞海洋生物、海洋垃圾毀損航道,海洋垃圾究竟該如何解決呢? 陳思穎發現,漁村因人口老化,居民無力自行管理漁港整潔。於是,陳思穎與團隊研發出一台可以收拾海洋垃圾的「湛鬥機」,為了要還原湛藍的海洋... Tired of seeing the amount of debris cluttering up Taiwan's major harbors, Cheer Chen and her team are committed to figuring out a feasible solution to clean up the waterway. The team has created a vacuum-like device that directs pieces of floating garbage towards it and hauls them out of the water. Find out how Cheer's creative invention can make a positive impact in coastal conservation. ----- 投入海洋領域約15年的陳思穎,除了有豐富的海上研究經驗,更是一個深深愛著大海的潛水客,海洋對他來說,就是一個如同家一樣重要的存在。有感於環境惡化快速,陳思穎於2017年與三位夥伴: 陳亮吟、曾鈺婷、廖君珮共同成立「湛。Azure」。團隊自許為「湛士」,研發「湛鬥機」,努力找回大海的湛藍純淨,實現人與環境共存的美好願景。 Cheer Chen has been a proponent of coastal conservation for the past 15 years. She and three team members have launched Azure, a start-up project that aims to restore the beautiful ocean blue color of the Taiwan Straight.